Punchato. Virtual Reality for Patient Comfort

The Medical Care and Rehabilitation Center (SMR), Le Bodio, has completed a project aimed at providing patients with a means to reduce anxiety, pain and medication consumption, thanks to modified virtual reality sessions.

In some patients, fear and anxiety are sometimes excessive. Physical tension or other behavioral and cognitive symptoms may appear. They are difficult to control and sometimes cause significant distress. These disturbances can disrupt all daily activities. In this case, virtual reality can be an alternative for prevention.

Lumeen, used by SMR Le Bodio, a medical entertainment device for virtual, social and therapeutic reality, offers immersive experiences, aimed at improving well-being and enhancing social communication.

This system also facilitates access to culture, through content, such as visiting museums or concerts. The aim is to relax the patient by opening him up to the outside world. Finally, these people will be able to access different contents with their loved ones, thus strengthening social ties and sharing experiences.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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