Régis Noguès de Cabestany: Lyonnais game connected to the body

The Bulls Athletic Club takes pride in the performance of its talented members and was recently promoted to Divisional Champion.

The Roussillon tournament in Lyon brought together the players of the divisions at the Germaine grounds. 60 Division 4 competitors and 20 Division 3 competitors competed for an area qualification. It was Regis Nogues who won the title along with Jeremy Rossignol of Argeles as the Administrative Vice Champion.

The finalists will meet Sunday May 22 Back in Cabestany with those from Hérault, Gard and Aude. Ultimately, the national finals will take place in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne in Savoy.

Régis Noguès’ passion for the game of Lyon, “la longue” as the adults call it, was inherited from his father, who passed it on to him at a very young age, along with the values ​​of working on the land, the pride of being Catalan, rugby and a love of fishing. An exemplary cultural wealth that will develop a strong character and technical knowledge that he will be able to put to good use in his job as a vine grower. “When I was a kid, I was really in the hands of the players. Growing up, my role model was François Asparte and especially Christian Canal. Later on, it was rugby that took over, but the fear of injuries and travel inconsistent with my job made me come back to bowling and I In my forties, He explains.

The experience and the opportunity to integrate the Argelès team into the National earned him a meeting with big names such as C. Guisc, F. Garcia, I. Rossignol and the famous C. Cazorla. “We almost made it to the elite, which includes the 16 best teams in France. In 2013 I was going to the divisional champion in the fourth division and in 2016 in the third division, but also in my doubles with R. Dimenge and Florian Garcia, we won at the regional level But we lost in the round of 16 for France in a four way with San Mateo club.”

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Today in Cabestany he holds the title again in the third division. “I thought of all the former club members and of my father who would have been happy. Maxime, my son, even if he no longer plays, has taken charge with three French championships”.

This popular sport from thirty years ago has progressed over time. It is currently regaining strength with the increase in the number of members of the Federation. In Cabestany, the arrival of Florian Torrès, a dynamic and adventurous young boss, cemented the club. Three departmental and two regional tournaments have been held this year with the support of dozens of sponsors. “It’s bowling, it’s friendly, she sings Catalan in the third inning. The guys are good boys. The atmosphere is really friendly”, Regis says. Adults can rest in peace. The village spirit of the club is still there.

Tess Larson

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