Retirement 3570k, switching to Ryzen 5 3600 makes sense? (WQHD games)

good morning,

Since the changeover from the old R9 was completed to a cheap Vega 56 Nitro, I’ve been thinking about changing the infrastructure for several days. I have also ordered a 27 inch Wqhd 144Hz monitor that I would like to launch.

Current order in the signature. Does it make sense to switch to R5 3600? I thought about the current Asus Cashback campaign and using 3600 through classifieds (about 140 €).

The goal would be 400 euros if possible.

Would you like to go for the B550 board and maybe just replace the processor in a few years’ time.
Recommendations for the board?
Think Because of today’s cashback or is there a board that I overlooked?

3570kHz is 4.4GHz but I have a feeling it’s really tough on Witcher, Cyperpunk, Battlefield and COD (play everything across the board).

In fact, I’d like to keep my power supply even if it’s a few years old, but it still works like magic. Or should I definitely buy a new one? Since I always read here it’s usually advised to do so, but I really want to save money because, like I said, it’s still top notch.

CPU cooler I currently use Kraken X61. Can I still use this for the R5 in terms of performance? I have already asked NZXT to install the AM4, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten any feedback yet. Does anyone else have a quick tip where I can buy this?

What RAM do I use? 3200 overclock or just buy a 3600 stable?

Logical upgrades or do you prefer to save more money and pressure on the spot?

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Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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