Retro Gaming: Sonic is coming to Commodore 64 for Christmas

Retro Gaming: Sonic is coming to Commodore 64 for Christmas
Photo: now

The classic platform game was released in 1991 sonic the hedgehog It has been successfully used by 8-bit game console Sega Master System It was ported to the legendary Commodore 64 home computer. The entire code base of the game has been manually adapted to the C64 chip. Small memory expansion is required.

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As the editorial team learned from community member ‘MR2’, who maintains excellent communications in C64 and the old scene, the well-known platform game Sonic the Hedgehog has been successfully ported to Commodore 64. It will be released as a free download at Christmas.

sonic the hedgehog on brig 64
sonic the hedgehog on brig 64
sonic the hedgehog on brig 64
Sonic the Hedgehog on the Dean 64 (Photo: Forum64)

In order to be able to play the previous main title from Sega on your home computer system, which was released in August 1982, you first need to expand the memory with 256 KB of RAM. The Commodore 64 commonly known as the “bread box” usually contains only 64KB of RAM.

The memory is expanded using the so-called random access memory (RAM) expansion module, which is available in a capacity of 128 to 512 KB. the C64-Wiki Provides more information about this.

Equipped accordingly, the C64 port works on the following systems and emulators:

  • Commodore 64 with expanded memory (+256 KB)
  • Commodore 128 with memory expansion (+256KB)
  • VICE (“Versatile Commodore”)
  • Turbo chameleon
  • 1541U I/II/II +
  • C64
  • U64

The C64 port author provides more information in the article in the forum 64.

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The editorial team thanks community member “MR2”, responsible for the necessary background information.

Tess Larson

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