RUMOR on PlayStation Plus: June 2021 show is running, Star Wars and two new releases planned

It is common for new products PlayStation Plus Leaked ahead of their time, often due to ads appearing early on the web. But last month it is a Spanish news site Region Who made his sources speak about it before the hour Battlefield V And the Marooned deep Among the games presented in May will be: They were not wrong. He has also since reported the impending announcement of Alternate colors Dual Sense Before Your presence He doesn’t talk about it, which boosts her credibility.

Virtua Fighter eSports 21 04 2021 master artwork

so when Region When wet In a program PS + By June 2021There’s something intriguing. According to journalist Victor Rodriguez, Operation: TangoAnd the Asymmetric co-operative gameplay with a secret agent and a hacker, It will be free when released on June 1 on PS5, and most interestingly, Star Wars: Swarms And the Virtua Fighter 5: The Final Showdown It will be on the PS4. Yes, you read this correctly, new Virtua Fighter who will be Officially presented this Thursday It could be added to multi-player game libraries early next week!

The game is supposed to be rotated on June 1, but to avoid breaking the advertising effect Sega As for the futuristic fighting game, then the program cannot be formalized on the last Wednesday of the month, as tradition dictates. But in any case, we will quickly prove what lies ahead. You can subscribe at PlayStation Plus For 59.99 euros a year.

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