Safari Technology Preview 124 was released for interested testers

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Applications » Safari Technology Preview 124 was released for interested testers


Apple has released a new version of its Safari Technology Preview for interested testers. Apple has been publishing this branch of its browser for nearly five years now. The Safari Technology Preview is essentially a kind of continuous public beta test for future releases of Safari.

Apple has released a new version of its beta branch of Safari called Safari Technology Preview. Safari Technology Preview 124 is now available for download and installation from the dedicated website.

With Safari Technology Preview updating to version 124, Apple is addressing several general improvements and fixes in the areas of Web Inspector, CSS, JavaScript, Web API, Rendering, Wheel Events, Web Driver, WebGL, WebRTC, WebCrypto, and Scrolling. With Safari Technology Preview, Apple is running a long-running version of Safari’s permanent public beta.
Safari Technology Preview has been distributed to interested users by Apple since 2016.

Free trial copy of future releases of Safari

In Safari Technology Preview, new features and functions will be implemented that will be incorporated into the stable version of Safari on the Mac at a later time. Users can test out new features and at the same time send their feedback to Apple so that issues there can be identified at an early stage.

The use of Safari Technology Preview is free and requires no prior registration. Meanwhile, Safari Technology Preview doesn’t replace the regular version of Safari on the Mac, but it installs in parallel with it. Safari Technology Preview is currently based on Safari 14, which is offered as a standard under macOS Big Sur. All additional details and download can be found at The opposite site At Apple.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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