Solidarity Mobile Stops in Fourvière

Solidarity Mobile Stops in Fourvière
Housing and Humanity Bus in Fourvière Square

From 3 to 5 July, a Habitat and Humanity mobile solidarity stop was set up in Fourvière Square. In Lyon.

Solidarity project

The Solidarity Stop Mobile is a mobile project supported by the Habitat et Humanisme Rhône association. This Lyon bus is thus a place of support, inclusion and social and professional integration. This bus travels from one neighbourhood to another to meet the most vulnerable people, who are often invisible and far from institutions and public services. Then, once installed, the team of buses, made up of volunteers and employees, sets up workshops on employment, health and culture with the help of local residents. It is a project that aims to create social bonds in the affinity movement. » Perrine Lepage, Director of Escale Solidaire Mobile, tells us:

Mobile Escale Solidaire bus in Fourvière Cathedral Square

Special link with Fourvière

For 4 years, the Notre-Dame de Fourvière square has been hosting this mobile solidarity station. Indeed, this site is one of the most important points of diversity in the city of Lyon. Between tourists, Lyon residents, people living in precarious situations and volunteers from the Fourvière Foundation, everyone can meet and exchange ideas.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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