Some establishments, such as nightclubs, do not believe in the imminent reopening

What is the timetable for certain places such as restaurants and museums to reopen? Emmanuel Macron met with a part of the government Thursday evening to assess the health situation and discuss when to resume some activities. So dates are becoming more clear for bars, restaurants or even cultural venues, but for some establishments, like nightclubs or video game rooms for example, this is still not clear.

“Another to re-open”?

Maxence Cypres is the manager of Le Donjon nightclub in Laval and is not optimistic that it will reopen soon. “First we wait for bars and restaurants to reopen. We might think of fall to reopen or end the yearShe explained. According to this manager, when bars and restaurants reopen, “There will be standards that must be respected“The nightclubs would find it difficult to apply.For example, let’s say that the tables are two or three meters away, or the mask (it must be worn). We are in a nightclub, we cannot apply these standards knowing that people are dancingTherefore, the director aims to reopen, “confirms Maxence Cyprès.When everyone is vaccinated“,”When he’s not really in danger anymore“, Determined.

You can’t have barriers in a nightclub, it’s so complicated.
Maxence Cypres, director of Le Donjon nightclub

Arno Jolivitt is a director Virtual & Co In Laval, an entertainment room with virtual reality activities, and today it no longer knows ”What saint is devoted to“.”Of course we hope to reopen quickly, after that we do not know the prospectsHe sighs.

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_ We are part of a business that they say is not essential and have had trouble with our classification ever since.After the first imprisonment, the governorate put us with discotheques so that I could not see the connection“Sorry to Arnaud Gullivitt. The director of Virtual & Co is afraid to do so.”Part of the last re-opening“.

Frank Mccarthy

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