Space and astronomy – the discovery of a super-Earth near the habitable zone of its star

A AwesomeLand, Four times the size of our planet, was discovered near the boundary of its star’s habitable zone called Ross 508: its existence was revealed by the almost invisible motions of the star due to the gravitational pull of the planet’s orbit. Around it. It was the first exoplanet to be discovered as part of a new investigation launched in 2019 using the Subaru telescope in Hawaii by Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory (NAZ). Is research Realism On the arXiv platform, it welcomes articles awaiting review by the scientific community and is published in the Journal of the Astronomical Society of Japan.

Ross 508, 36.5 light-years away, is a red dwarf that is much smaller and fainter than our Sun. But the radiation that hits it at that distance is only 1.4 times. Land, A feature that is placed very close to the inner boundary of the living zone. In any case, the AwesomeLand The host forms of life, at least we know.

Ross 508 is one of the smallest and faintest galaxies, also known as the Doppler mode, thanks to the radial velocity pattern identified with an orbiting planet: when the star moves slightly towards us, the star reaches light Land It will be more in blue, and as it recedes, the light will move towards red. This suggests that future studies using this tracking technique have the potential to detect vast treasures of exoplanets orbiting faint stars.

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