Special effects, video games, and animated films … a digital art school in Saint-Nazaire

Christophe Fernandez, a 20-year digital arts teacher, opened his own school in downtown Saint-Nazaire in September
Christophe Fernandez, a 20-year digital arts teacher, opened his own school in downtown Saint-Nazaire in September (© L’Echo de la Presqu’île)

Christophe Fernandez opens his picture Argo VFX School of Digital Arts to me Saint Nazaire (Loire Atlantic). a Two-year training in the professions From the sector video gamesAnd the special effects And you Animation cinema It can be reached after the baccalaureate.

Christophe Fernandez found buildings 150 AD2 In the city center, near the Le Paquebot shopping center, which will host Cesi, the School of Engineering to study and work in 2022.

Two years training

After 20 years teaching in video games and audiovisual production, Al Nazir wanted to create his own school.

Current training courses are often run by large financial groups who are not always aware of the realities of an environment that is changing very quickly. “

Christophe FernandezArgo VFX Manager

So Christophe Fernandez set up an intensive program over two years with an elective third year when other schools offer internships in 3 or even 4 years. “It’s really, really expensive,” future director details.

It will actually be necessary to pay 7,600 euros per year to integrate them “but the equipment is provided by the school”.

3D animation, drawing and camera photography … the lessons will be delivered by a team of ten teachers, all of whom are professionals in the sector.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJcCRNfuxNMClick here to view the content

The ligand sector

During the first year, students will be trained in the fundamentals of digital arts careers because, according to Christophe Fernandez, “the three technologies converge today”.

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In the second year, you have to choose a major between video games, animation and special effects, then if the student wishes, he can continue with 3e An optional year in which he will work on one project.

The principal assures him that “within two years, every student will leave school with a professional portfolio that will enable him to find a job.” Animation films, video games, advertisements too … the sector is ‘booming and under-resourced’.

Accessible to everyone

First students will be welcomed in September. Classes consist of 20 students to “create a family atmosphere where everyone knows each other and can help each other”.

Applications are already open on the Argo VFX website to join the school’s first class. Post-baccalaureate youth are particularly targeted, but anyone can submit an application.

“People in retraining are welcome.”

To access it, you don’t need to be a computer expert and drawing professional. “Everything can be learned! If you are creative and motivated, there is no reason not to succeed.”

This Saturday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the house opened at 89, Avenue de Stalingrad, in Saint-Nazaire. Information about http://www.argovfx.com/

Tess Larson

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