Stadia Pro heavily discounted: Very cheap entry to Google’s cloud gaming service


With Google Stadia, you can play challenging games without expensive hardware. Stadia Premiere Edition is currently 40 percent cheaper in the Google Store.

With Google Stadia, you don’t need a console and even powerful gaming computers will go out of date with Google’s cloud gaming service. All you need to play games at up to 4K resolution with Stadia is a stable internet connection, a device that runs the Chrome browser and preferably a controller.

With Google Stadia Premiere Edition including console and Chromecast, you are ready to go. It is currently cut roughly in half in the Google Store.

The first release of Google Stadia with a console and Chromecast Ultra

To view

The first release of Google Stadia with a console and Chromecast Ultra

  • Play games without a console or PC

  • It streams games at resolution up to 4K

  • No subscription required – games can be purchased

The first Google Stadia release includes the Stadia console and Chromecast Ultra. With this you can use Stadia on your TV. The package usually costs € 99.99, but currently drops to € 59.99. You can save a whopping € 40. A very good deal.

Go to Display in Google Store ›

You can either buy games for the service from the Stadia Store or get a Stadia Pro subscription for € 10 per month. This allows you to get free games regularly and enjoy other benefits like games in 4K instead of 1080p.

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Tess Larson

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