Swears. The series “The Lady’s Game” caused the dawn of sales of chess games among manufacturers

Dominique Retord, President of Charliluce Corporation in Moirans-en-Montagne and President of Creativewood, which brings together all the woodworkers and mayor of Lect.
Dominique Retord, President of Charliluce Corporation in Moirans-en-Montagne and President of Creativewood, which brings together all the woodworkers and mayor of Lect. (© Voix du Jura / Monique Henriet)

Serial ” Game mrs The broadcast drew an unexpected enthusiasm for the streaming service Chess game This resulted in an explosion of order books from Jura manufacturers and retailers.

The end of October – the beginning of November 2020, against the background of imprisonment, the launch of the series ” Game
Give it to me »On the broadcast service, it had a surprising impact on sales
From chess games.

Jura companies specialized in manufacturing this Boxwood game And their dealers have collapsed because of orders.

He explains, “I regret that we were unable to anticipate.” Dominic Retord President Creativewood (Which combines Jura’s panel cutting machines).

We couldn’t expect that this series, which is about a theme focused on a very old and well-known game, would have such an effect. The series pushed those who had been hesitant about playing the game into an immersion. We would have been prepared for this if we had been warned, because we know very well that animations as well as captured characters in the gaming or gaming world lead to extraordinary sales.

Dominique Retord, director of Charliluce in Moirans-en-Montagne, and former president of JuraBuis.

Record sales of croquet sets

“Has been added to this seriesCovid effect That revitalized the board game as a whole with two classes. Strategy games such as chess games where the games are long and which generate sales over the beautiful games; Whereas quick games on short games lead to less expensive products. ”

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Ritord, by the way, trusts that company Charlyllus, The one whose store closed during the shutdown continued to sell online.

With good weather, we recorded surprising sales in outdoor games, especially croquet games; Much more than the famous Finnish bowling games.

7 to 8 years out of stock

Chess manufacturers find themselves complicated by running out of stock of finished products to supply retailers.

However, the manufacture of this game is quite complicated. There are a lot of iterations on the pieces; Especially sophisticated knights, in a very special kind of wood. Boxwood gives a real advantage in terms of the weight of the piece that players are looking for. This is why we also add lead in parts.

As for the stock of raw materials? “After the violent attack of a wood moth three years ago, we know the butterfly is still there, but there is no longer boxwood to eat.

Despite everything, boxwood tends to reappear, the problem is the time of thumbs down. The manufacturers have 7 to 8 years of raw material stock, but there will still be a shortage because it takes between 15 and 20 years to get a mature boxwood. Today, he still cuts 3-4 years out of fixed stock, but then?

“Boxwood is a wood that does not spoil and ages very well. It is used for toys as well as for kitchen utensils, Honey spoons, salt spoons, mustard spoons, corkscrews, pastry rollers… or Pigs… as much Jura Model Experience Who support two weeks
Between companies Ain Wajura It concludes by not concealing the fragility of the situation.

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Tess Larson

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