decryption – By analyzing the genome of this microscopic animal, researchers discovered how it was able to resist massive doses of X-rays.
With their small, hooky legs and stocky body, the tardigrade has something “kawaii” (cute in Japanese). But like Pokemon, this microscopic animal has many powers. If he didn't spit flames or cast lightning, he was already extremely resistant. It is particularly capable of remaining in a desiccated state for decades and returning to life at the slightest trace of moisture. In this state of “cryptoorganism”, they support extreme cold (over 250°C) as well as hellish heat (over 150°C), and unbearable pressures that would cause steel to crack or the vacuum of space.
But it's another property that often fascinates biologists: even in its “active” form, tardigrades are incredibly resistant to radiation. “ Tardigrades can tolerate doses of up to 5 700 grey »

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