The Grand Prix has been announced, and the racing game will arrive on September 30th

animation paw patrol It is now one of the most popular games among children, and it has many video games suitable for youngsters, such as Claw Patrol: Super Patrol Saves the Great Canyon. Outright Games Today held a presentation of its future titles intended for a young audience, the publisher took the opportunity to reveal the first images of Paw Patrol, La Paw Patrol: Grand Prix.

Pat’Patrouille goes kart race

In this new race it’s racing time, our favorite dog champions will have to be the fastest on the track to win first place. We can then drive 11 different paths They are placed within the Great Valley and in other places, such as the woods or mountains, in the company of Jake and other Paw Patrol dogs.

Traps left by evil mayors will be obstacles, so be careful where you ride. It will even be possible to customize the carriages With more than twenty pieces of animation.

Then the game presented itself as a kind of Mario Kartwithin the reach of the little ones, with the ability to play with friends or family for up to 4 people. Easy mode allows children to accelerate automatically and the steering system will prevent them from deviating from the laneso that they can get the most out of the race.

Good news, this racing game will be released very soon, as it is currently planned for September 30th. Paw Patrol, La Paw Patrol: Grand Prix it will be Available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch and Stadia.

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Tess Larson

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