The “incomplete” expansion was widely criticized on Steam

The expansion was released on May 19 Dangerous Elite: Odyssey (from 31, 49€ in To buy) For the PC version of Dangerous Elite It is operated by the majority of buyers steam Negative comments from users punish. Currently, 33 percent of 2867 user reviews are “positive”. For comparison: On the main game, there were 77 percent of “positive” user reviews (n = 54711). Users criticize both the extension and the content case.

In many user reviews, bugs and non-working features of the core game and bugs are criticized (Via PC Gamer). The virtual reality view and some multiplayer functions should not work properly. Relatively high performance and hardware requirements are also negatively referenced, which aims to make online interaction with other users more difficult. The impression arises that Elite Dangerous: Odyssey launched too early or has left the alpha stage too soon. Many users are giving the impression that they are playing a poorly optimized beta version.

The extent of the expansion was also met with little approval. Although first person perspective (planetary walk) has been added to the game, this mode is said to have little to offer. Presumably there are few plant models to find and analyze, and shooter tasks are often repeated in “replicated” bases on planetary surfaces. The redesigned interface should also be more complex to use.

Two hotfixes with bug fixes and stability improvements as well as some assignments have already been posted by Frontiers Developments (change logs: Fix # 1And the Fix # 2).

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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