The latest Dawn of Heroes patch

Check out the content of Update 11.21 for Teamfight Tactics mode. In the show, a few credits are around for Dawn of Heroes before Mad Gadgets arrive.

Patch Notes Teamfight Tactics 11.21.0

Welcome to the newest Dawn of Heroes patch!

Now that Gadgets Madness looms large, this update brings some poise to the entire Dawn of Heroes to end on the high end! These patch notes will be very short, given the TON of the changes we made in patch 11.20. However, just because it is short does not mean that it should not be read. Your favorite author has made some great notes about GeF; More information below! Finally, it’s time to give everything you have to achieve your dream rank in the Ranked position, as your rise will come to an end at the end of this patch! Ranking rewards will be distributed using patch 11.23.

Correction highlights

Major changes


Don’t be fooled by this orange. Players rarely target the higher levels of Mystics, which is why we’ll give them a little motivation.

  • Mystic – Magic Resistance: 40/80/150/250 40/80/175/300

Heroes: Level 3

It’s raining bullets like it’s raining spoilers on GeF. If you like spoilers, here’s one: These two heroes are back in GeF!

  • Miss Fortune – Bullet Rain Damage: 250/375/600 250/375/550
  • Zyra Fixing Root Damage: 200/300/575 200/300/525

Heroes: Level 4

This will not affect the 3-star Vel’Koz that you may have seen during the World Cup.

  • Lucian’s attack damage: 70 75
  • Vel’Koz – Life disassembled damage: 900/1150/4000 ⇒ 850/1100/4000
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Heroes: Level 5

Most of the time, Akshan jumps and assassinates his enemies without having a chance to take revenge on him or retarget him. Now that he has lower HP, he will be punished more when his opponents target him. Despite following the healthiest diet in this group, Kayle never got the chance to shine in Dawn of Heroes. This will eventually change.

  • Akshan – PV: 850800
  • Kayle – Ascension Stage 3 Immunity: Every 15 attacks ⇒ Every 12 attacks
  • Kayle Last stage of climb damage: 80/125/4000 90/150/4000

Minor changes


  • Hated – percentage of attack health and damage per stage: 16% 13%
  • Legionnaire’s attack speed: 25/75/135/250% ⇒ 25/70/135/250%
  • Ranger attack speed: 20/80/500%⇒20/80/600%

Heroes: Level 1

After forcing me to play Poppy Load AP in a charity stream, our developers finally figured out why I couldn’t become a Challenger. Little buff can let my magical Lollipoppy pop her head out of the water!

  • Poppy Shield Throwing Damage: 150/250/400 150/250/450

Heroes: Level 2

We are adding more power to Syndra skill.

  • Syndra – Willpower Damage: 250/350/600 250/350/650

Heroes: Level 5

Cut, it’s in the box!

  • Gwen: Gwen’s 3-star scissors hit a much larger area.
  • Heimerdinger – Damage optimization! : 400/600/3333⇒ 425/600/3333

About gadgets in madness

With all the excitement of Gadgets Madness, it’s sometimes hard to remember all the dates, so you have to push it a bit. Crazy Gadgets will hit the PBE on October 19, and launch right after that, on November 3 (for patch 11.22). The Crazy Gadgets Pass will be available later that day at 8 PM PT. Double Up will be the latest addition to the live servers on November 17 (update 11.23), which will give us a full patch to see the gist of the new batch.

bug fixes

  • Bonded Scissor Blades: For Gwen’s skill, base damage, critical hits and damage as a percentage of health, are no longer managed separately. If Gwen’s skill hit critically, both parts of her damage would be critical at the same time.
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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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