The mobile game will be revealed by Blizzard on May 3.

Activision-Blizzard She’s been very talkative in recent weeks about her new games, especially on the Blizzard side. After lifting the veil on Dragon Flightthe next expansion of world of cansannounced the release date of Immortal Diablothe publisher promised to tell us about moving title Cans which has been in development for some time now. We learned via a tweet that the presentation of this game will take place next week.

The mobile game is finally getting clearer

The editor again splits with a sober and not very informative tweet, which is simply the content it gives us Next Tuesday, May 3rd at 7 PM (French time) is set to present this all-new game set in the universe Cans.

We don’t know more at the moment, but fans of this license will definitely be curious to see what it looks like Cans on mobile platforms. To find out, you will have to follow the broadcast curated by Blizzard, which will be available at official site From the publisher on D-Day.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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