There நிலா It steals water from the Earth for billions of years and removes hydrogen and oxygen ions from its atmosphere, which, when combined, form a total of about 3,500 cubic kilometers of permafrost and liquid water (hidden beneath the surface). Lake Huron, the eighth largest lake in the world, is located in North America. To suggest this hypothesis is interesting for the livelihoods of future human works நிலாA study published in scientific papers by researchers at the Fairbanks Institute of Geophysics at the University of Alaska.
Most water, according to the most approved current models நிலாWould have been brought back by the impact of asteroids and comets and the solar wind carrying hydrogen and oxygen ions. But data collected by key functions நிலாSpace agencies in the United States, Europe, India, and Japan point to a third possible source: the Earth’s atmosphere. Data showing presence in நிலா Significant amounts of oxygen and hydrogen ions during the five days of the month நிலாIn this our satellite crosses the ‘tail’ part of the Earth’s magnetic field (teardrop shaped bubble that protects our planet from the flow of particles created by the Earth’s magnetic field and charged from the Sun).
Blue ice at the poles of the moon (source: NASA)
Balance நிலா The Earth’s ‘magnetic tail’ temporarily alters some lines of the Earth’s magnetic field: those lost in space are reunited with their counterparts. Hit in their path there நிலா (It is not fitted with a protective magnetic field). “It simply came to our notice then நிலா It was raining, and the rain of ions returned to Earth, which eventually fell to the surface நிலா“Study coordinator Gunder Kledetska explains.
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