The Netflix Squid series is coming to virtual reality

Red Light Green Light is a new VR game inspired by the series Netflix Squid game. So he’s bringing the hit Korean dramas into virtual reality. VR title available for free on standalone VR headsets Facebook social networking site Quest Oculus And Oculus Quest 2 from now on.

Netflix’s nine-episode Squid Game series became a truly global phenomenon when it launched on the platform last month. Everyone, or almost everyone, has surely heard of him. In this K-Drama, a group of 456 people, each with financial difficulties, participate in a series of deadly challenges with the aim of winning a large sum of money. Based on classic games for kids, these demonic experiments will allow the winner to earn at least 45.6 billion yen, or $38.7 million. The new VR title Red Light Green Light adapts the first test of the popular series in virtual reality.

Red light green light: a real battle for survival

red light green light is work fans From the same Squid game series. These are developers from Soaring Roc. As mentioned earlier, the new VR game for Quest allows players to participate in the first challenge of the series, of the same name.

In this classic children’s game, one person plays the role of the caller or “he”. You must stand at the end of a certain space, Back to the other participants, which is placed on the opposite end. When she says “the green light” they can move to get close to her and try to reach the finish line.

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Once you say “red light” everyone should stay where you areShe turns around to see if anyone is moving. Of course, the first participant to cross the finish line wins the game. For those still moving when the caller says “red light,” they must return to the starting line.

In the Squid game, these things are directly eliminated, that is to say, kill them. Soaring Roc’s new virtual reality title is based on Same principle of play. It must be said that it is a real fight for survival. Note that to move around the game, players simply have to move their controllers Aculus Touch. Also, it is possible to play alongside other players.

Frank Mccarthy

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