The PS5 goes on sale today from Media World, along with new stocks along the way, here’s how to buy it

The Media World chain goes on sale this week New PlayStation 5 shares Starting today (Monday 19th July) and then continues on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st July.

This afternoon, the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition, Which will be the twist of the PS5 standard on July 20th, and finally the PS5 bundles will go on sale on July 21st except for the Ratchet & Clang Rift. All drops are scheduled for approximately 15:00.

PS5 from new shares in Media World

  • July 19 – PlayStation 5 digital version
  • July 20 – PlayStation 5 Standard
  • 21 Luclio – Except for the bundle PS5 Ratchet & Clang split

You need to register to buy PS5, Remember to have a proper credit card or your PayPal account credentials easily Other forms of payment are not accepted To purchase the PS5 and PlayStation 5 digital version from the Media World website.

We do not know how many shares the chain has, but even in this case The advice we have been doing over and over again for months is worth it, Handle yourself patiently, connect in advance to the indicated time to try to enter the queue, thus getting the opportunity to buy Sony console.

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Veronica Tucker

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