The Roots of Tomorrow: The Agroecological Transformation Game

An immersive experience in the world of agriculture, Tomorrow’s Roots provides a better understanding of the issues and challenges farmers must face. This strategy and management game increases user awareness of agro-ecological transformation.

How do you play it?

The Roots of Tomorrow includes three start-up scenarios in different regions that have their own characteristics: Brittany (cereals and pig farming), PACA (cereals and sheep farming), Grand Est (cereals and livestock farming). Once the scenario is selected, the player is at the helm of a farm.

The player faces different options that represent the day-to-day management of the farm: management of the herd, growing seedlings, marketing production, researching innovations, animal care and all the daily decisions that the operator has to make.

The main task? Successful agro-ecological transformation of your farm over 10 years. To do this, the player must rely on three performance criteria: economic (work pay, cash flow, etc.), social (working conditions, etc.) and environmental (conserving biodiversity, etc.) in order to adopt more sustainable agriculture. The player will have to choose the techniques and techniques that best suit the context, manage the team, and participate in the life of the region.

Fun, educational and engaging video game

Easy to use, this game is intended for everyone, professionals in the agricultural world or the general public who want to know more about farming. A tutorial that accompanies the player in his steps. Tomorrow’s Roots is a fun way to discover the problems that actors in the world of agriculture face. The aim of the simulation game is to encourage young people to change their view of farming and the agricultural world.

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Roots of Tomorrow’s scenarios were designed in consultation with agricultural specialists and researchers in order to provide the game with realistic data. This free 3D game is developed by the company GambellisUnder the high patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Environmental Transformationfrom INRAE ​​(National Institute for Agricultural, Food and Environmental Research) And the DrAgrinum.

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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