The Sopranos launches a treasure hunt game in the streets of Lille to win prizes and meet

125 stars are hidden in the streets of Lille and the participants must find as many as possible. Prizes will be awarded to the winner by the Soprano himself.

Nine days to chase the stars. To promote his latest album star hunters, Rapper Soprano launched a treasure hunt in several cities in France. After Strasbourg, Marseille, Lyon and Paris, it’s Lille’s turn to embark on the adventure.

Since Wednesday morning, an interactive map has been made available on the website. The goal is simple: 125 stars are hidden in the streets of Lille and the participants must find as many as possible.

soprano fired a "chasing stars" At night.
The Sopranos launched the “Chasing the Stars” campaign in Lille. ©

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These “stars” are embodied by round squares on which a QR code is located. Once scanned, the latter allows you to register your participation and thus win one of the many prizes on offer: concert tickets, CDs, hats or other goodies.

It is also possible to retrieve the treasure map at the Crédit Mutuel cash desk that gives additional clues to the location of five “superstars”. This allows you to win tickets to a soprano concert at the Stade de France.

The lucky winners will be able to collect their prize from Soprano’s hands on April 30th at the Grand Mix in Tourcoing, specific North Sound.

Because unfortunately, the rapper won’t be giving a concert in Lille during his only six-date tour. “We had to go through Lille for this tour of the stadium, but the stage we built just didn’t fit,” Soprano explained to our teammates.

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Tess Larson

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