The students visited the Mobile Museum

Riom-es-Montagnes. Students discover MuMo. Started in 2011 at the instigation of Ingrid Bruchard, the MuMo Portable Museum of Contemporary Art has two days of rendezvous with the Pays Gentiane and EHPAD Brun-Vergeade schools. This traveling museum allowed students to learn about contemporary art, presenting works from the Regional Fund for Contemporary Art (Frac).

The pupils of the Georges Pompidou School were divided into two groups, under the supervision of Bernard Deverson and Katherine Mag, the school’s teachers, and they participated in two workshops held by Clemence Renaud and Elodie Bricot, facilitators who are friends of Momo. for 45 minutes a 1 Verse A group of students climbed into the van to visit the gallery where they discovered paintings and photographs, while a second group took part in an educational workshop, the Quai des Arts cinema room. During the exhibition visit, Clemens Renault asked the children to identify a work likely to interest them, and during the educational workshop, schoolchildren equipped with scissors, tape, pencils and paper had to unleash their imaginations to create it. house moving. After these two workshops, a time was set for the exchange with the students.

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Brooke Vargas

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