This brain implant deployed through the jugular allows you to control your computer remotely using ChatGPT

Synchron just released a new video showing a patient using the Stentrode brain implant. The company has significantly integrated artificial intelligence to help users maintain their independence and privacy.

Neuralink isn't the only company developing brain implants. Synchrony is developing a plantingplanting It is called a Stentrode, which is much less InvasiveInvasiveIt is presented in the form of stentstentIt is inserted through the jugular vein to reach the vein at the level of the jugular vein. motor cortexmotor cortexAt least seven people have already received the implant, and the company is currently testing the integration. ChatGPTChatGPT.

Rest assured, this isn’t about creating AI-powered zombies. The implant allows you to control your computer by thinking, and ChatGPT is part of the software platform it’s installed on. It’s simply an assistant to enable smoother use. Synchron has released a new video showing Mark struggling with his disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosisamyotrophic lateral sclerosis He has lost the use of his hands, and uses the implant to respond to messages.

Learn how Mark uses the Stentrode implant with ChatGPT to respond to private messages. (Enable automatic translation for translations in English.) © Synchron

Maintaining independence and privacy

The interface that integrates ChatGPT remembers suggested answers in GmailGmailMark receives a text message and ChatGPT suggests different possible responses, taking into account the context. If an answer suits him, he simply uses the implant to select it. Otherwise, he can ask the AI ​​to generate new answers, or bring up the keyboard to enter the same response.

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This novelty represents an important advance for patients, especially in ThemeTheme Autonomy, because they can use it to have private conversations in real time. They no longer have to ask a loved one to respond to them, and they can send a message very quickly. The integration of ChatGPT does not require any changes to the implanted devices, and the company was able to test different AI systems by simply updating the software on the computer.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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