FIGAROVOX / TRIBUNE – What is the real benefit of the high-level French astronaut mission? Astrophysicist Louis de Hendkourt and Olivier Moses, who see in the unnecessary iteration of this program, wonder Europe’s failure to think of a space strategy.
Louis d’Hendecourt is Honorary Research Director at CNRS and Aix-Marseille University. Olivier Moses is University Professor at Aix-Marseille University.
With the highly publicized download from the International Space Station the latest song by British group Cold Play by the knightly astronaut Thomas Pisquet, a European astronaut born in France, the question is clearly raised about the usefulness or rather the futility of such expensive manned missions To the old International Space Station. Its maintenance is a huge financial burden for the European Space Agency, but especially for NASA, which occupies a more innovative approach, which is to return to the moon in 2024, highlighting the first female astronaut who set foot on lunar soil.
Read also:“Pesquet to take off with SpaceX: a technological defeat for Europe”
Russia, for its part, has planned to leave the International Space Station in 2025. As for the Chinese, they are developing their own station in the program.
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