To celebrate its 200th anniversary, Louis Vuitton launched a game on the App Store with NFTs

On the occasion of its bicentenary, Louis Vuitton is introducing a promotional game on the App Store and Google Play. Lewis: The game is a colorful platform game that traces the history of the brand.

The game introduces the revival of the creation of Maison Vuitton through the mascot character Vivienne. Its function is to restore 200 well-hidden candles or more in the large levels. Each of them presents the player with an anecdote about the history of the brand. level PlayIt’s a fairly basic game: you can navigate in a 3D environment, unlock new abilities (climb stairs, slide, etc.) and obviously jump from right to left.

The game runs on Unreal Engine

Small originality: includes the game NFT (Non-transferable token) Takes the form of collectible artwork, i.e. each digital painting is unique, traceable, and non-transferable. The player thus becomes the owner through a license and can be resold. Here, the tokens are free, explained the CEO of the brand of financial times that the experience had” quasi-educational goal Obtaining NFTs is not entirely straightforward: competition makes it possible to obtain them custom website without going through the app.

We can consider it a mock test of LVMH when we know that the luxury world is increasingly interested in the field of digital properties and liquefied. The group is no stranger to this topic: its brand Givenchy, for example, has collaborated with artists for creativity NFT works sold to charity.

The game is available in English and Chinese only and is not suitable for iPad screens. The app weighs 2.5 GB and I noticed some jerks while testing the iPhone XS, but nothing really annoying. Louis Vuitton will also celebrate its 200th anniversary on Apple TV with a streaming of the documentary I’m looking for Louis Broadcast on the Explore channel.

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Tess Larson

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