Truck inspection near Dresden: Who reads and writes on their cell phones?


Truck inspection near Dresden: Who reads and writes on their cell phones?

The police are on A4. The focus is on truck drivers who misbehave.

Police checked the truck drivers on the job on Tuesday. Question: Do you get distracted while driving? © Dresden Police Department

From Christoph Springer
1 minute. reading time

Dresden. Always the same routine, driving straight ahead for hours with cruise control at a maximum of 100 km/h, you get tired. It leads to distraction. Police have already released photos of truck drivers reading while driving or using their cell phones. Today, officials are back on the road to stop such traffic offenders.

As part of the week-long “Respect Through Mind” campaign, officials are screening motorists on the highway this Tuesday. The focus here is on those who get distracted while driving – for example, reading, talking on their cell phone, or writing something on their cell phone. To do this, the police use a bus that goes on the A4 motorway. Officers are on an equal footing with truck drivers and can, if necessary, document their misconduct before they are stopped.

The bus is this Tuesday morning at the A4 west of Dresden. (SZ/csp)

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