Vault: Microsoft launched a new gaming subsidiary of Bethesda and Co.

Gamers interested in Microsoft games will likely become accustomed to the new brand name: Vault. Because the Redmond-based company has set up a 100 percent new subsidiary so it can complete the acquisition of ZeniMax and Bethesda.

Last fall, Microsoft surprised and shocked the gaming world, because the Redmond-based company announced that it would take over the ZeniMax Media holding company and thus studios such as Bethesda, id Software, Arkane, Machine Games, Alpha Dog, Tango Gameworks and Roundhouse Studios.

The EU decision is still pending

Officially, the deal has not yet been finalized because it has to be approved under antitrust law. The European Union is responsible for the last pending or most important OC and will announce its decision on March 5, 2021. Of course the approval process has been underway for a long time and documents like this have come up. And it shows a new name: Vault.
Microsoft acquires BethesdaMicrosoft acquired ZeniMax, and with it Bethesda, id Software and Co.

Vault, whose name refers to the Fallout series, will appear as the new “home” for ZeniMax Media and its brands. Microsoft wants to have exclusive control of the Vault, but the new subsidiary will likely help integrate into the group. It is not currently clear whether ZeniMax Media will remain a brand name or whether it will be ditched in favor of Vault.

Such as Windows Central He writes, creating the Vault subsidiary is a new approach from Microsoft, because so far all of the individual acquisitions such as Obsidian Entertainment, Ninja Theory and Playground Games have been regularly incorporated into Xbox Game Studios. It is not currently expected whether this will have tangible consequences for the brands or games in question, but it may just be a commercial or economic decision that has no impact on the end customers.

Microsoft, Logo, Microsoft Corporation, Acquisition, Bethesda, Zenimax, Purchase, Purchase
Microsoft, Logo, Microsoft Corporation, Acquisition, Bethesda, Zenimax, Purchase, Purchase

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Tess Larson

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