Virtual Reality Against Discrimination

Knowing how to act

Combating gender discrimination, eliminating harassment, and ensuring that disability is not a reason for professional exclusion are major challenges facing companies. To achieve this, experiential learning via virtual reality is effective.

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Written by Mireille Bruce – July 19, 2024.

It is not easy to talk about sexism at work! Not to mention breaking some of the established notions about the place of women in the world of work… However, like moral and sexual harassment, like discrimination and racism, these evils are at the root of many psychological and social disorders. To reduce or even eliminate them, there is nothing like virtual reality that allows you to put yourself in the shoes of those who experience them. Playing on emotions Combating psychosocial risks by relying on emotions is what the training startup Reverto is doing, thanks to…

— Article reserved for subscribers of Quotidien de la Formation —

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Frank Mccarthy

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