Meta, and every other virtual space provider, needs to think about how to keep people safe. Protection is not only about sexual integrity, but also about racist and abusive attacks. Meta provides its user base with access to tools that people can use to protect themselves. These tools are important, but they do not absolve Meta of responsibility. “We want everyone to have a positive Horizon Worlds experience using security tools that are easy to find, and it’s never a user’s fault if they don’t take advantage of all the features we offer,” said Kristina Milian, a spokesperson for Intro. She explained that before joining Horizon Worlds, users must go through a qualification process that teaches them how to start a Safe Zone. But this alone will not be enough, soon a feeling arises that each user must take care of himself. People who misbehave in the virtual world or even commit crimes must face the consequences. They will do it in the real world, too. The main problem with such crimes on the Internet is that the criminal law is less the act not covered by the criminal law (because it is!) than it can not be traced. In addition to legal obstacles, there is also the social component. Because most actions are not reported or dismissed with “nothing happened” or “you didn’t feel this way.” This gray area remains pervasive – in reality as in virtual reality.