Whatsapp, disable this option immediately: it will change your day

Whatsapp has an option to deactivate instantly and it really changes a lot of things: let's see why and what it is.

Whatsapp, disable this option immediately: it will change your day
Deactivate this option in Whatsapp: here's why and what will change (Mrinformatico.it)

It cannot but be included among the most widespread applications worldwide Share it. We are in the presence of one of the facts that has truly changed a generation and its customs. In the past, in fact, one of the summer offers was that you had free messages to send only when they fell. However, thanks to the world's most popular green app, I news They all became FreeGetting used to continuous communication, constant and direct communication with all our friends.

As you can easily imagine, it is a real revolution, but if it has maintained this position for many years it is thanks to many additional functions. It allows us to enjoy ourselves like no other Social websitesAs in the States, for example, specially designed graphics are all about the experience Keep us glued to the screens. However, there is a basic option that can be disabled Actually a lot changes in our days. And not only in the immediate future, but also in the future. Let's take a closer look at what it is. So everyone happy reading.

Disable this feature on Whatsapp: you won't regret it

WhatsApp logo
Whatsapp, deactivate this function immediately: this is it (Mrinformatico.it)

As you know, unfortunately there is a lot on the Internet Wrong idea. It works continuously to spoil our peace and capture all our data. Banking information often ends up in their eyes, leaving our money vulnerable to all forms of fraud and digital theft. There is a function called Share it This, if not disabled, will truly represent a Open door For the bad guys.

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The function in question is Automatic downloadsMany Leave it active For the practical matter. Well, you should see these files downloading automatically Hackers Access to the above information is available. Also, in this way, in a very simple way, we can insert the most dangerous viruses to our smartphones. Before we look at how to disable it, here How to enable red mode to enjoy multiple hits instead.

Automatic downloads, how to disable this function

On Android you need to go to app settings and you need to go to “”.Data and storageClick “Next”.Automatic download“, finally select”No files”. The discussion is very similar Apple. In this case the option to click from Whatsapp settings is “Storage and dataYou will need to click on the “Auto Downloads” option.not at all” for different types of files. This is the latest feature added to Whatsapp.

Veronica Tucker

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