WhatsApp, may lose our account: in place of dangerous fraud

New scam on WhatsApp to steal account. A fake friend starts chatting and it can become very dangerous. How to protect yourself from fraud.

whatsapp identity theft

Danger comes from everywhere. Emails, messages, phone calls Further Share May be evidence More or less serious frauds. Never lose focus if you do not want the risk of losing money, privacy and even My account. Undoubtedly fraudsters are constantly coming up with new tricks to deceive the victims. They have found more subtle ways to open the safety net and achieve evil goals. To protect yourself from attacks, you need to know How fraud happens Also ignore the message and report to the authorities what happened.

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WhatsApp, new account theft scam

Postal police warn citizens New fraud Aimed at stealing WhatsApp account. Fraudsters manage and no one knows how to get it phone number Of the victim. Unfortunately, when it comes to social networks and the like, the issue of privacy loses relevance and makes it increasingly easier for cyber pirates to find personal data and execute scams.

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Looks at the latest fraud attacker Pretending to be a friend The victim of the scope. It continues by sending a message that starts the chat conversation, from which hope arises. At one point, the fraudster will accidentally ask for help claiming to have sent one Six digit code Thus WhatsApp is disabled. There will be a request to type those six digits and send it to him to solve the problem. Doing so could open a dangerous hole in the security net and allow criminals to do so Access our account.

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How to protect yourself from fraud

If you know of corruption, ignore the message to protect yourself from fraud. On the other hand, if the code is sent, the account is at risk and will be required Delete the app immediately Even if you lose every chat on WhatsApp. Although we can detect fraudsters and protect ourselves against new scams, we will soon be subject to another attack. So, focus on the activities carried out on social networks or, more generally, on the internet. Never provide personal information, Respond to special requests, send codes or Click the link. In fact, these are the tools that bad people use to infringe on privacy and commit illegal acts.

Veronica Tucker

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