Wirttingen: Dillingen police warn of fraudulent text messages

Wertinger received a text message and a link on the company’s cell phone. Because he opened it, an app with malware was loaded onto his cell phone.

Wertinger received an SMS on the company’s mobile phone on Friday. like Dillinger police On Monday, the SMS said there was a new voicemail. At the same time, a mobile phone number for an architect’s office was shown in a link. When Wertinger opened the link, the app was automatically downloaded to his mobile phone.

However, it was the malware that automatically connected to the messaging and calling functions of his cell phone. As a result, many calls were generated abroad. It is not yet possible to predict how high the damage will be.

How mobile phone owners can protect themselves from SMS

So called misleading SMS messages are sent to mobile phone users in order to get valuable information from the device. The link to open is sent here as well. As soon as you click on the link, the Trojan stored there begins to associate itself with the call list and make expensive calls abroad, for example, or access the online account.

So every cell phone owner should regularly check whether their cell phone is equipped with the latest virus protection.

A woman holds a smartphone in her hand with a fraudulent text message on the screen.

Photo: Wolf von Dewitz / dpa

In addition, links should not be opened carelessly. These ads are often disguised as purported advertisements for parcel deliveries or letters from the home bank.

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Read about it too

More tips on protecting yourself from fraud below www.polizei.beratung.de

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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