XL VISION: Excelia wants to revolutionize higher education

  • ILE: An immersive learning experience

It aims to to guarantee Quality immersive educational experiences, on campus or in the metaverse

XL . Factory It is a physical place open to all, used to build and share innovative learning experiences. This place has a digital twin linked to one EXILIA METAVERSwhile providing resources to encourage experimentation

  • learning experience platform

It’s a platform e-learning With modules on several topics

This environment cooperative It acts as a resource and information hub for all the communities in the group

Datalab will be used fororganisation and in Management subordinate data within the group wreath According to the established route plan

Expanded training offer

From 2022, new training procedures will be available:

  • Dedicated Workshops and Master Classes for Immersive Technologies in Bachelors and Masters -> 2022/2023
  • Modules and specialization “Virtual Reality and Metaverse” -> 2023/2024
  • Create your first BA “Virtual Reality and Metaverse” -> September 2024

The ultimate goal is to spread Bachelor’s degree “Virtual Reality and Metaverse”

Words from Bruno Neal, CEO of Excelia

“Digital transformation of our institutions is imperative for them to maintain their relevance to student and community education. As a result of joint construction with all of the institution’s communities, XL Vision is at odds with the teaching model we know today in all schools.

It is specifically based on the transformation potential offered by digital technologies and takes into account the changing needs of companies and the expectations of the generation of “digital natives”.

See also  Veterinarians can now train in virtual reality

A real achievement Axelia is executing by striving to provide a response to social and societal challenges, and continuing its commitment to training and research on its own topics: environment and corporate social responsibility, health, tourism, and digital.

This is the first of its kind in French higher education and I am very happy that Excelia is implementing this pioneering approach. »

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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