Yffiniac Digital has really started!

“It’s been six years since I came up with the idea of ​​sharing about digital technology, and presenting another vision for young people to video games, in a place where we meet, exchange and create.”Nicholas Main, president of the Digital Yffiniac (Côtes-d’Armor), explains.

To implement this project and acquire digital tools, crowdfunding has been opened on kengo.bzh for ten days.

“We have already collected 1,000 euros and our goal is to reach 6,500 euros by March 22, to finance the purchase of six computers. Everyone, if they wish, can make their contribution.”.

Installed in a room in Aparté

In a room provided by the city council, in the Aparté, officials installed a computer to play the game, drive simulation equipment and virtual reality glasses.

The start of the new association is ready to open its doors to future members over 10 years old at the beginning of the holidays.

Building a team for e-sports

One of the Federation’s goals is to provide access to video games, create an esports team, and participate in tournaments.

Adventures, puzzles, soccer, and game bank available will vary. “We will keep a record in which each player will write his name, arrival and departure time, as well as the chosen game.” Nicholas Maine explains.

When he told about video game addiction problems among young people, he answered so “The best, so that you don’t get drowned, is to have an association where everything is organized and where you learn to manage your time.”

A photography studio is in the pipeline

Hulk nurtures other ambitions. “We want to create a photography studio, open to everyone, that will allow everyone to edit their videos and put them online if they so wish.” A project that may interest merchants, companies, or even local associations, in order to diversify their communication methods.

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“We also want to offer IT training with certifications from professionals if possibleKevin Henin, the secretary adds. The idea is to introduce young people to digital professions. “

“Our association wants to be a place for coexistence, accessible to all, for concrete projects and games around digital”Nicholas Maine sums up.

Livyak DigitalMembership: € 15 for minors and € 20 for adults. Communication is possible on the phone. 06 81 06 3737.

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Nicholas Maine, president, and Kevin Heinen, secretary of the New Digital Society in Livignac.

Yffiniac Digital has really started!Ouest-France.fr

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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