28.09.2021 – 15:27
Federal Police Inspection Frankfurt/Main
Frankfurt am Main (OTS)
Federal Police officers arrested a gang of three male perpetrators on Monday, September 27, 2021 at approximately 8:15 a.m. after a cell phone was stolen at Frankfurt main station. The crimes took place on the one hand at about 6:45 am and on the other hand at 8:10 am.
In both cases, the perpetrators stole the victim’s cell phone from their jacket pocket. The two thefts were not noticed by the affected party until after the wireless connection to the headphones had been cut off.
Based on the available video recordings, the perpetrators, aged 16, 19 and 35, were quickly identified and arrested after the second crime.
When he was arrested, the 19-year-old was carrying the cell phone stolen from the second crime with him in his back pocket. The cell phone from the first theft could no longer be found.
An initial gang robbery investigation was launched against the three men.
In this context, it should be noted that valuables should always be carried close to the body or in the field of view.
Please contact:
Federal Police Inspection in Frankfurt am Main
Public relations
Christian Pertz
Email: bpoli.frankfurtm.oea@polizei.bund.de
Tel: 069 130145 1010
Original content from: Federal Police Inspection Frankfurt/Main, transmitted by aktuell news
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