▷ POL-BOR: Bocholt – Cell Phone Thief Reaches Jacket Pocket

27.12.2021 – 14:28

Borken Police Department

Bocholt (ots)

A pickpocket stole a cell phone in Bocholt on Sunday, Boxing Day. According to the injured party, the event took place between 6:50 pm and 7:10 pm in a restaurant in Im Koenigsesch. The woman had put a cell phone in her jacket pocket. The police in Bocholt are requesting information at (02871) 2990.

In this context, the police renewed their warning of pickpockets. For their criminal profession, they like to use situations where there is a crowd – a passing touch or a short bump is not noticed so quickly. A few moments and perhaps the partner’s misleading maneuver is enough for pickpockets to reach their prey.

If you want to protect yourself from this, you should store valuables in a closed inner pocket – preferably money and papers in separate pockets. Neck pouches, internal belt pockets, or the like provide additional security. For bags, the closure side should be worn towards the body and in front of the body. Of course, you should never lose sight of your valuables, not even when looking for merchandise while shopping. More tips and information can be found on the site, among others www.polizei-beratung.de.

Contact media representatives:

Borken Police Department
Thorsten Ohm
Tel: 02861-900 2204

Original content by: Borken District Police Service, transmitted by aktuell news

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Brooke Vargas

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