17.03.2021 – 10:54
Gelsenkirchen Police
Gelsenkirchen (OTS)
On Tuesday evening, March 16, 2021, an unknown man stole a 21-year-old man from Gelsenkirchen and attacked him on his way home. Gelsenkirchener was walking along Hüller Mühle at 10:25 p.m. when a stranger suddenly approached him on Plauener Strasse and got him into a conversation. During the conversation, the 21-year-old took his cell phone from his jacket pocket, at which point the man stole his cell phone from him. When the Gelsenkirchen resident asked to return his cell phone, the perpetrator threatened him with a knife. Shortly thereafter, he put it back in his pocket and hit a man Gelsenkirchen, then the robber fled on foot in the direction of Skagerrakstrasse. The person you are looking for is around 21-28 years old, 1.80m tall and slim. At the time of the murder, his beard lasted six days, and he wore a black winter jacket and a blue ethnic jacket underneath. The stranger has a tattoo on his right forearm. . Police are looking for witnesses who can provide information on the fugitive perpetrator. Please send the relevant information to the Criminal Police Office 21 at 0209365 8112 or to Kriminalwache at 0209 365 8240.
Please contact:
Gelsenkirchen Police
Inca Hartman
Phone: +49 (0) 209 365-2010 to 2015
Email: pressestelle.gelsenkirchen@polizei.nrw.de
Original content by: Gelsenkirchen Police, transmitted via aktuell news
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