▷ POL-K: 211207-8-K Wheelchair users on subway platform beaten and robbed – look for witnesses

07.12.2021 – 15:54

police cologne

cologne (ots)

The Cologne Police Department is urgently looking for witnesses who can provide information about a 57-year-old wheelchair robbery that was reported on Monday evening (December 6) at the police station in Ehrenfeld. The man from Cologne mentioned that he checked his cell phone on the platform of the Venloer Straße / Ehrenfeldgürtel underground station around 10:30 pm. Two dark-haired men, ages 23 and 27, first asked him for a cigarette, to which he said no. As a result, one of them, who was wearing torn pants, was said to suddenly hit him in the face and tore his mobile phone from his hand. Then this attacker fled with his prey in the direction of a fast food restaurant, while his partner boarded a train and sped away. The victim was unharmed.

For information to the criminal investigation investigation department required 14 under the phone. 0221 229-0 or via email to poststelle.koeln@polizei.nrw.de. (cg/cs)

Please send inquiries from media representatives to:

Police headquarters in Cologne
press office
Walter Pauli Ring 2-6
51103 Cologne

Tel: 0221/229 5555
Email: pressstelle.koeln (at) polizei.nrw.de


Original content by: Cologne Police, transmitted by aktuell news

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Brooke Vargas

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