▷ POL-F: 210 408 – 410 Frankfurt-Bahnhofsviertel: Trio steal mobile phone – …

08.04.2021 – 11:59

Police headquarters in Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt (OTS)

(M) Yesterday noon (April 7, 2021) two men and a woman stole a 44-year-old man’s mobile phone. The victim was slightly injured. The criminal police are now looking for witnesses.

At around 1 p.m., the 44-year-old was standing by the entrance to a hotel on Karlstrasse. Out of nowhere, a stranger approached him and pressed him against the wall of a house. Then the perpetrator pulled his smartphone (brand: Samsung) from the 44-year-old man’s pocket and fled towards Niddastraße. The victim ran behind the perpetrator and finally caught his arm at the intersection of Karlstrasse and Niddastrasse. The thief didn’t seem to like this, so he defended himself. Meanwhile, another man approached, grabbed a mobile phone and promptly turned it over to a woman who had fled towards Moselstrasse. The first perpetrator manages to tear himself apart, until the trio finally manages to escape. The 44-year-old fell to the ground as a result of the thief’s resistance and was lightly injured.

Who can provide information about the perpetrator and / or crime? Frankfurt Criminal Police will receive the relevant information at 069 / 755-51499.

Please contact:

Police headquarters in Frankfurt am Main
press office
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Direct access Monday through Friday: 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Phone: 069 / 755-82110 (CvD)
Fax: 069 / 755-82009
Email: pressestelle.ppffm@polizei.hessen.de
Home page Ffm Police Headquarters .: http://www.polizei.hessen.de/ppffm

Original content by: Frankfurt am Main police headquarters, transmitted via aktuell news

Brooke Vargas

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