▷ POL-HA: Theft of a mobile phone in the city center – witnesses wanted

05.07.2021 – 08:59

Hagen Police

Hagen city center (OTS)

Early on Sunday morning (July 4, 2021) a number of previously unknown perpetrators attacked two men downtown and stole his mobile phone. The two 42-year-olds were walking down Düppenbeckerstrasse at around 3.40am when they met five to six unknown perpetrators. They suddenly hit the men. After one of the attackers took his mobile phone in his hand to call the police, a stranger forcibly snatched it from him. Then the men fled in an unknown direction. The 42-year-olds told police that the perpetrators ranged in age from 20 to 25. They could not give a more detailed description. One of the two men sustained minor injuries in the attack and had to be treated by emergency services on site. Witnesses who can provide relevant information, please call 02331-986 2066. (sen)

Please contact:

Hagen Police
press office
Tel: 02331986 15 15
Email: pressestelle.hagen@polizei.nrw.de

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Original content by: Hagen Police, transmitted by aktuell news

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Brooke Vargas

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