▷ POL-S: The Stuttgart Public Prosecutor’s Office and Police announce: The drivers allegedly …

11.10.2021 – 14:14

Police headquarters in Stuttgart

Stuttgart – Unterturkheim (OTS)

Police officers arrested a 33-year-old man on Saturday evening (October 9, 2021) on suspicion of hitting a 58-year-old driver and 59-year-old passenger and stealing his 58-year-old mobile phone. The 58-year-old wanted to drive his Audi from Benzstrasse to Bundesstrasse 14 towards Fellbach around 6:20pm when the suspect came walking towards him on the ramp. The 33-year-old kicked the license plate and then tried to open the driver’s door. After the 59-year-old co-driver got off, the suspect was said to have been abruptly knocked down. The 33-year-old is also said to have attacked the 58-year-old, dropped him and stole his mobile phone. The alert police apprehended the suspect after a short escape in the railroad area of ​​Benzstrasse. The Iranian suspect was presented before a competent judge on Sunday (10.10.2021) with a request for an arrest warrant from the public prosecutor who issued and executed the arrest warrant.

Please contact:

Police headquarters in Stuttgart
press office
Tel: 07118990-1111
Email: stuttgart.pressestelle@polizei.bwl.de
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Outside working hours:
Phone: 07118990-3333
Email: stuttgart.pp@polizei.bwl.de


Original content by: Stuttgart Police Headquarters, transmitted by aktuell news

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Brooke Vargas

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