06.06.2021 – 12:26
Steinfurt police
Steinfurt District (OTS)
The police again warn about pickpockets. The number of cases remains high in North Rhine-Westphalia – also in the Steinfurt region. Especially in supermarkets and discount stores, travel criminals frequently go looking for victims and find victims who leave their wallet or handbag open in a shopping cart or roller. In most cases, thefts are committed by many professional offenders. Perpetrators use various tricks to take advantage of the neglect of their victims. A clever diversion maneuver – and your wallet is gone. The police manage to catch the pickpockets again and again. It was only recently that a 21-year-old Bulgarian woman was caught red-handed when she tried to withdraw money in Altenberge with a recently stolen EC card. But pickpockets often travel fast. The police offer the following tips on how to protect yourself from pickpocketing: – Wear valuables close to your body – Never keep your bank and credit card PIN with them. Many banks now offer customers a PIN of their choice. It’s easy to remember – there’s no need for a reminder note. Do not leave handbags and purses in the shopping cart or roller net. Separate cash, bank cards, and IDs from each other. Valuables, cell phones and digital cameras are most secure in the lockable interior pockets. When in public, keep handbags and shoulder bags closed in front of your body or under your arm. Carry backpacks in front of your body in the crowd. Pay more attention to your valuables in crowded situations and in awkward situations. If the theft has already occurred? The police also have some valuable advice on this: – Immediately block your bank and credit cards and, if necessary, turn off your mobile phone (public emergency number: 116 116). – If you become aware of the theft, report it to the police immediately and report it (police emergency number: 110). You should know the following data in case of theft: – Bank: credit card number, card verification number, account number, bank code – Mobile: SIM card number (phone card), IMEI number (phone device number – key combination: * # 06 #) , Access data for remote locking and location (software on mobile phone required) All information can also be found on the Internet: https://steinfurt.polizei.nrw/artikel/polizei-warnt-vor-taschendieben-tipps-wie-man-sich-schuetzt
Please contact:
Steinfurt police
press office
Tel: 02551 152200
Original content by: Police Steinfurt, transmitted by aktuell news