3 Under The Radar Upcoming Games Gaming Fans Should Feel Excited For

The video gaming industry has managed to go practically unscathed through the world health pandemic we’ve had to experience for the past year and a half. Video gaming sales have not stopped and fans all around the world are still very excited about all the new titles that are bound to be released for the remainder of 2021. While there are certain titles that most fans, especially those who bet on Esports, are anxiously awaiting, like the new Madden and FIFA titles, there are other games that are just as good but might not get enough attention.

But not to worry, here for you are our picks for three of the best upcoming games for all consoles, PCs and platforms in the latter part of 2021.

12 Minutes

With a release date gunning for the third week of August, 2021, the 12 Minutes video game, developed by video gaming artist Luis Antonio and published by Annapurna Interactive is the title all fans of psychological thrillers have been waiting for. Inspired by iconic movies like Memento and The Shining, the game follows the life of a man, a husband, who is perennially stuck in a 12-minute time-loop in which his wife is continuously accused of murder by the police. The main character, the husband, is then transported to the events right before everything goes down and has to go through time-loop after time-loop trying to change the situations and break the loop for good. 

To say this game has everything one would seriously expect from a thrilling mind-catching game would be selling it short. This game has all the frameworks of what could easily be turned into a master movie and is considered one of the most anticipated indie games to be released, with fans waiting for it since 2020. Slated to come out for PC and the Xbox One console, 12 Minutes can easily be considered the closest thing we will ever have to Christopher Nolan taking Memento and making it into a video game. Play it, love it, thank us later.

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Since we’re talking about loops and how fun and intriguing they can become for video gaming fans, our next pick is none-other than Arkane Studios’ awaited first-person shooter game Deathloop. Slated to come out for PS5 and PC in mid-September, 2021, this mind-bending thriller follows two assassins who are out on a constant, repeating mission of killing each other over and over. While for one killer, Juliana, her hope is to be able to protect the loop she and her other killer are stuck in, for the other killer, Cole, who is the character players play with, his hope is to be able to cut loose from the cycle, leading them to kill each other, again and again and again unless of course, the loop can be destroyed.

This game, which has long been awaited by fans, promises to offer all kinds of excitement and thrills for gaming fanatics as they try to battle through 8 different enemies in their hopes of being able to destroy the loop they are in while of course, keeping themselves alive. While this game can be seen as a first-person shooter masterpiece, the tactical and strategic mindsets that the game requires make it that much more enticing. 

Far Cry 6

A fan favorite for years now, the Far Cry franchise will be back in early October 2021 with their 6th edition of their action studded first-person shooter video game. The game, which will be available for PS (4&5) as well as Xbox (One & Series X) and PC will have players play as Dani Rojas, a guerrilla fighter from the beautiful but corrupt and ill tropical paradise of Yara with the mission of taking down Yara’s dictator Anton Castillo and his fascist regime. The game, produced and developed by Ubisoft Toronto and Ubisoft took inspiration for the settings and story from the Cuban Revolution of the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.

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While Castillo rules the island of Yara with a strong will and over bearing powers upon his people while grooming his son to take over power after his retirement it is Dani Rojas’ mission to take down the regime and bring back the country to its former glory. Once again, while brushing their game style and stories with world politics and trying to make a statement through them, Far Cry 6 is sure to be one of the best games to expect in the last trimester of 2021.

Veronica Tucker

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