▷ POL-S: The Stuttgart Public Prosecutor and Police announce: After a cell phone was stolen – …

08.06.2021 – 13:06

Police headquarters in Stuttgartغار

Stuttgart Mitte/Esslingen (OTS)

Police officers temporarily arrested a 19-year-old teenager on Monday afternoon (June 7, 2021) who apparently attempted to extort money from the owner’s 20-year-old father. The 20-year-old was outside at Cleut Passage on Tuesday (June 1, 2021) around 1.30am. On Monday (June 7, 2021) the 20-year-old’s father received a phone call in which the caller demanded 200 euros for the cell phone. Delivery must take place at Esslingen train station. The robber’s father then alerted the police, who arrested the suspect around 5:30 pm at Esslingen train station. Whether the 19-year-old also qualifies for theft is the subject of further investigation. The officers released him after police procedures ended.

Please contact:

Police headquarters in Stuttgartغار
press office
Tel: 07118990-1111
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Outside working hours:
Phone: 07118990-3333
Email: [email protected]


Original content by: Stuttgart Police Headquarters, transmitted by aktuell news

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Brooke Vargas

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