After many details about the new Battlefield 2042 have already been circulated as leaks in the run-up to the official online announcement, fans finally have certainty: the latest branch of the shooter series focusing on its roots. That means in plain language: Battlefield 2042 offers large-scale tactical team battles – but there’s no single player campaign and no battle royale mode.
do what we do best
As developers in the course of revealing Battlefield 2042
Announced on June 9, 2021, the game will focus entirely on tactical multiplayer battles. Matches with up to 128 players can be played on PC, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Playstation 4 and Xbox One support 64 players. There should also be a chance to compete against AI bots solo or with friends.Design Director Daniel Berlin explained the decision to acquire the fully multiplayer title for Eurogamer as follows:
“I think it’s just a way we can do what we do best. Wenn man sich die DNA unseres Studios anschaut, was wir schon so lange tun, da haben wir einfach gesagt, wisst ihr was, wir werden diesmal keine klassische Einzelspielerkampagne machen, aber wir werden re werden unseren fenzunsource spun hr. carrying out. Because that’s what we do best.“
Berlin also gave a clear rejection of the Battle Royale mode, stating that the team currently has no plans for such a feature. Instead, Battlefield 2042 gets the well-known modes of invasion and hack as well as a new, as-yet unspecified danger zone mode. According to Berlin, this combination of ancient virtues and an emphasis on proven multiplayer actions should be a “declaration of love for our old players and fans”.
Battlefield 2042 will be released on October 22, 2021 for PC, Playstation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
those: Eurogamer
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