In Tinchebray, a tantalizing virtual reality space opens at the heart of Bocage

On Monday, July 26, 2021, the elected officials of the territory inaugurated E-space, a virtual reality room located in Tinchebray-Bocage (Orne). (© Ornament Combat)

You can almost imagine yourself in the heart of a theme park. If the work has been completed for several months already, the E-space doors of Tinchbury Bocage (Orney) It has been opened to the public very few times. The opening of the virtual reality room has been postponed due to the health crisis Monday 26 July 2021.

About Jerome Norrie, Regional Councilor and Orney Deputy were present Christophe de Ballory, President of Orne County Council; Catherine Monnier, Member of the Administrative and Regional Council; Alan Lang, management consultant plus many elect From the territory including Josette Burquet, Mayor Tinchbury Bocage.

Travel in space and time

Christophe de Balorre on one of the ICAROS flight simulators.  Here, the chosen one must find balance because he is in the cockpit of an airplane.
Christophe de Balorre on one of the ICAROS flight simulation platforms. Here, the chosen one must find balance because he is in the cockpit of an airplane. (© Ornament Combat)

At the entrance to the space that once housed the Internet’s base, two life-size Storm Soldiers now announce color. The characters come straight from the universe star Wars that precedes the room divided into ten play stations. Transformation launched in 2019:

We started a global thinking about digital by imagining this space that we don’t find almost anywhere else. Here it is possible to travel in both space and time!

Josette BurquetMayor of Tinchbury Bocage

for an amount 317,731 € HT Including 170 thousand euros earmarked for equipment, the entire building adjacent to Silvia and Hubert Bassot has been redesigned medi@tech. The operation was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (Feather), Region Normandy, Department of Orne and Liaison Entre Action de Développement de l’Economie Rurale (Leader).

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Virtual reality in the heart of Bocage

Then put in the car simulator for Jérôme Nury and Christophe de Balorre.  The first time it was hard to avoid going out of the way...
Then put in the car simulator for Jérôme Nury and Christophe de Balorre. The first time it was hard to avoid going out of the way… (© Ornament Combat)

flight simulation, shooting range, immersion into the heart of buildings to navigate like Spiderman from skyscraper to skyscraper, and even a 360-degree immersive screen, from confusing experiences available to you. Along with other elected officials, Christophe de Ballory has tested some of them.

This concept is quite innovative. It is a very formidable experience and it is part of the environment of tomorrow and therefore plays in favor of the attractiveness of the region.

Christophe de BalloriOrne County Council Chairman

It must be said that according to elected officials, the goal of cyberspace is in fact to allow “low-priced digital access”, by targeting families But also the commercial activities in the area. “We want to develop the educational component, in particular by allowing formations‘ adds Josette Burquet.

Since Tuesday, July 27, the futuristic-looking place is open every afternoon Reservation. On site, Franck Lestrade and Quentin Caniou provide explanations, and staff media@tech also interferes.

You don’t dream, all these immersive machines can be found in Tinchebray, in the heart of bocage ornier. “With this online space, we also want to alert families and young people by showing that we can do the best we can in our rural areas,” emphasizes Jerome Nouri.

What can I play while going to cyberspace?

Cyberspace contains a large number of equipment dedicated to virtual reality. Here is the list made by Tinchebray-Bocage:
• Two ICAROS platforms (Icaros Flight and Icaros Moto GP) which are respectively flight and motorcycle simulators working with equipment based on body balance as well as Oculus GO VR headsets;
• platform game Spiderman in which we play the famous Marvel hero that allows you to move from skyscrapers to skyscrapers;
• KAT VR stand: equipped with a sensor sole on a platform that simulates our steps and allows us to proceed with the shooting game of aliens;
• Western-style shooting booth.
• Two car simulators (Game: Project Cars);
• Stands with Oculus Rift Headset: shooting games;
• Immersive screen that allows you to watch 360-degree videos (Tinchebray see from the sky, Apollo program, aerial acrobatics, etc.);
• Two wings of space games: solve puzzles.
• An interactive game for children that is played with a poster on the floor (overhead projector) and is played with the feet (motion detection via infrared detector).

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E-space, 1 bis Boulevard du Midi in Tinchebray-Bocage (Orne). Open Monday-Friday 2pm-5pm and Saturday 1:30pm-5pm. Prices: until September 5 euros per session. After that, a 1-year subscription is €40 giving access to one session per week. Reservation is required with Midi @ Tech Silvia and Hubert Bassot On 02 33 96 19 49. Reception for less than 50 people: a health card is not required.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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