11 Categories of Malware

Computer use is very common today. Although we do not fully understand all the technologies behind this device, many of us encounter them on a daily basis. The problem, when you don’t fully master the technology, is that you don’t necessarily have all the right feedback. Some of our actions can lead to virus appearedOr rather, we should call it Malware or malicious software.

What is malware?

term “MalwareIt comes from a contraction of the terms ‘harmful’ (meaning ‘harmful’) and ‘program’ (meaning ‘program’). The exact French translation is ‘Malware‘, but it can also be called malware, spam, or simply ‘malware’.

As the name suggests, malware is thus software with bad intentions. In fact, it is a program created with a purpose harm your computer, to the computer system. Be careful, though, we often hear about viruses, but you should know that virus is nothing but a class of malware. There are many, all with different purposes and different ways of doing damage.

Do you think you are infected with malware? We recommend that you read our article about the AdwCleaner cleansing program.

Types of malware

There are so many different malware out there, and it would be hard to cover them all in one article. if we want List only two categories of malwareWe could mention a virus or a worm. Here Malware Categories The most common you should know.

computer virus

Older Malware Above all, the most widespread virus is already. It is a computer program that can copy itself to different files on a computer and thus affect the entire system. The severity of the consequences can be more or less significant depending on the virus.

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worm (or worm)

The computer worm It differs from a virus in that it is able to spread to other computers. It managed to replicate itself on other devices via the Internet in particular. Thus, it can happen on the PC after sending an email, sharing a file, or even via instant messaging tools.

spying program

The Spying programs It is roughly known as a virus, but it is not intended to harm a computer. Its role is ratherto spy user habits. Once in the system, it allows malicious people to access personal information and data without the user’s knowledge. For example, it is possible to access the searches performed or directly to the files on the computer.


Trojans are not malware in the strict sense of the word. This is a completely normal program and tainted with so-called “payloadIt is this load, hidden in the program, that can harm the computer.

the back door

Also known as the back door In English, the back door is often the result of the Trojans. This type of Malware It is allowed to use the computer remotely without the knowledge of the owner. A malicious person can then install other programs on the computer, delete files, or even steal them.

lo rootkit

This type of malware is also called “furtif malwareAs the name implies, the purpose of this program is to discreetly control the computer in order to perform actions without the knowledge of its owner. Again, this is a file Malware Trojan type.

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Another type of malware is malicious software. It’s visible, but Takes the form of an anti-virus or anti-spyware program. In fact, the scammer often appears through an advertising window. It tells you that a virus has been detected on your computer and prompts you to download an antivirus, which is actually nothing more than a real malware that aims to invade your device.


This class of Malware It appeared a short time ago and it can encrypt files on PC. The problem is that the user no longer has access to these files. Then a ransom is required to restore this access.

browser hijacker

On the other hand, a browser hijacker attacks your web browser. Anything you do in your browser can then be spied on and even tampered with. Thus, ads may appear when you browse or open about: blank pages, you may be tricked into downloading other malware, or worse yet, your confidential information may be stolen.


Finally, there are also malware for which purposeRecord the use of keys on the keyboard. As a result, hackers can retrieve usernames and passwords to log into websites on your behalf and perform unwanted actions there.

the recorder

Connectivity software was still very popular a few years ago, but now it’s less popular since the ADSL and Fiber packages we use. It was really a matter of dialing a high rate phone number using your PSTN modem to collect commissions.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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