Luigi has been found in the Dreamcast racing game

Low poly Luigi wears a checkered flag on the Sega GT.

Mario, famous for Nintendo, has a brother named Luigi And for some reason, the two older brothers were found making a prototype of the Sega Dreamcast racing game. Now GT. Luigi was found in a prototype that was part of a massive release for over Xbox and Dreamcast 40o models And new games.

This strange Luigi was discovered by CombyLaurent1 and Then share it on Twitter. They find Luigi in a secret race inside the never-before-seen prototype. Combi Laurent 1 Tells Kotaku That this version of the game wasn’t intended for a commercial version and they’re assuming Luigi here is a joke.

Here, Share CombyLaurent1 with hidden palace Two sample websites from Dreamcast as part of the site’s ongoing “Project Deluge”. This project examines the cataloging of video game prototypes, early releases, canceled projects, archiving, release, and more. The team has already released over 700 PS2 prototypes and unreleased versions as of March 2021. Yesterday the group released the latest Deluge dump that includes 349 Xbox prototypes and 135 Dreamcast models.

However, CombyLaurent1 did not analyze the prototypes they sent it to. hidden palace. They usually do this in advance. Instead, during hidden palace CombyLaurent1 announced the live broadcast of the latest version of the game As part of Project Deluge, Luigi’s secret has been found in Now GT. It’s hidden in a race called “SonyGT2” which seems to be a nod to the PlayStation racing game. big tourism, Who is the Now GT He was in direct competition against him.

Luigi as seen in the Sega GT prototype.

“When I found out about Luigi yesterday, I burst out laughing,” Combi Laurent 1 said. Kotaku. “I knew this kind of thing existed from the stories of a previous developer. I never thought I would meet him in one of my prototypes.”

As far as we know, Luigi is not in the final commercial version of Now GT or Xbox group Sega GT 2002. CombyLaurent1 thinks it was a joke among the developers working on the game, which makes them laugh as they work hard on the feud. It was not intended to be found or seen by players.

You can read more discoveries by CombyLaurenT1 in a Web d’informations Sega Dreamcast or by Follow them on Twitter. And you can Find out all the details of the Deluge project at hidden palace Website.

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Tess Larson

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