Discover porcelain as you’ve never seen it before at the Musée Adrien Dubouché in Limoges

The Adrien Dubouché National Museum opens its doors to Toques et Porcelaine and offers visitors an unexpected circuit of interactions. The ceramic table services on display for the Gastronomic Biennale reveal its beauty in its simplest form. The romantic elegance of Bernardaud’s staple Botanique service rubs shoulders with, among other things, the destructive spirit of J.L. Coquet’s home and its crystallized service. A conversation is created about styles and eras at La Table des Porcelainiers, between core designers and the new generation.

Keen to dedicate this edition in part to imparting knowledge, the organizers of Toques et Porcelaine and the Town Hall of Limoges presented a mug-decorating workshop for children. One way to get them to want is to fit the precious ceramic in turn. Creations the town hall will give them in a few weeks.

Before leaving the enchanting universe of museum galleries, porcelain bows to one last challenge. In the conservatory, visitors can discover the famous little jar-making of the Fabrique de Porcelaine de Saint-Junien, as if they were there. And that’s thanks to the 360-degree virtual reality headset. Between tradition and innovation, porcelain traverses the ages without a scratch.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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